About This Blog

- I have loved things Country and Western all of my life. I have loved the ranches and farms. the fields, the barns, livestock, and the food. I was born and raised in Kentucky where I learned to love and appreciate the beauty, hard work, and value of country living, Most of my family lived on farms and/or were livestock producers. I have raised various livestock and poultry over the years. I have sold livestock feed and minerals in two states. My big hats and boots are only an outward manifestation of the country life I hold dear to my heart. With the help of rhyme or short story, in recipes or photos, I make an effort in this blog to put into words my day to day observations of all things rural; the things that I see and hear, from under my hat. All poems and short stories, unless noted otherwise, are authored by me. I hope you enjoy following along.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Monday, December 2, 2024
The first snowfall of winter
It causes quite the stir
It makes us know for certain
That Ole Man Winter's here
It purifies the landscape
In a quilt of mostly white
The moon lights the boughs and branches
On a cold and crystally night
The tracks of winter travelers,
Both critters and mankind,
Slightly mar the blanket
Until the wind blurs them in time
The stillness is most impressive
Quietness rules the air
Only the wind in the pine trees
Gently disturbs the silence here
It is the first snowfall of winter
Now, as I add a log to the fire
I sip from my steaming cup and think,
What more could a man desire?
KL Dennie 2024
Tuesday, November 26, 2024
Monday, November 11, 2024
I took a walk this early morn
In the cold Autumn mist
I turned my collar to the damp
And pulled my sleeves tight to my wrist
The sun was casting golden rays
Piercing the hazy gray air
Like stage lights searching the cast
As the curtain parts with flair
The swish swish swish of fallen leaves
As they danced around my feet
Brought a smile as I strolled along
That sound is a melody sweet
Then the sun broke triumphantly
Through the dullness of the mist
And the breeze persuaded the painted leaves
Into a kaleidoscopic twist
Then I turned home reluctantly
Beneath a canopy of blue
Convinced (as if I needed to be)
Fall walks are a joyful thing to do
K.L. Dennie 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
Monday, April 1, 2024
Freddie Is Free
Sunday, March 31, 2024
Beauty: John Muir
" No synonym for God is so perfect as Beauty. Whether as seen in the carving lines of the mountains with glaciers, or gathering matter into stars, or planning the movements of water, or gardening - still all is Beauty!" John Muir