Spring Teaser
Ah, March. The great teaser.
We all look to the end of winter here at the Chicken Ranch. As February draws to a close I prepare for March the month I have trusted the least over the years. I mean, here comes this month with warmer winds, sunnier skies and even the occasional early blooms. I am wanting to believe that Spring is here, and March suckers me right in… every year. You’d think I’d catch on. That, just when I break out the grill, bring up a couple of lawn chairs from the basement, or get half way through a garden seed catalog….BAM.. I get hit with a snowball. Old Man Winter again, still pickin a fight.
March, we’re told, was named for Mars, the god of war. I suppose that whole north wind battling the south wind thing, and the ensuing storms, brought that about. Spring does seem to be fighting for a foothold here while winter plays tug-o-war. The days are cold and damp, then sunny and warm. Clear and bright, then overcast and dull. Who knows what each new morn will bring? I’ve been leery of, and a bit put out at times by March and it‘s fickle weather. But I have softened my stance this year. I think maybe I have been a bit harsh in my judgment, when I consider all that this month has to offer.
The skies of March appear a bit clearer. The solid grey flannel of clouds that hang like a blanket over winter days loosens, and brighter, friendlier clouds begin to show themselves. The blue of the canopy overhead is a little richer tone, more alive in color. The ice on ponds and birdbaths leaves by noon more often than not. The sun after all, is a bit more social, showing up earlier and hanging around longer. The breeze births from the south more often, with just a hint of a warmer climate promised soon. And then there are the birds and blooms of March.
Here at the Chicken Ranch tiny crocuses have sprung up in sunnier parts of the lawn and gardens. These little fairies of the flower world seem to be itching for just the slightest invitation from Old Sol, to dance to the surface and get the party started. The many colored tops shame the faded and withered grasses around them. The whites, lavenders, purples, and oranges of the petals shout the coming of a more vibrant season. “Let it all begin“ they seem to say. And, these little flowers are not alone in their impatience.
Honey bees are buzzing and winging on nearly every crocus bloom. They are not frantic today in their business, but seem rather to be relishing this early moment. Doing their duty at a steady pace, but getting the most from every second of it. Some hollow tree is alive with activity as these nectar gatherers are getting a head start on spring. Around the corner two Robins have returned to us. They hop along in a staccato cadence twisting their heads in order to find a worm who has come close to the sunny surface. The red-breasted chirpers may get caught in a snowstorm later but they seem willing to take their chances. It appears that March is calling in the new guard, and the band is warming up.
No, I don’t see March hiding the fact that winter is not quite done with us. And even though more snow may come and cold has still a firm grip. And though there is sure to be further cloudy days. March has kindly brought in the advance team. Previews of attractions to come. Yes, I’m liking March better this year. I like it because it says to all of us “Stay tuned for what’s coming folks, you’re not gonna want to miss this”.
About This Blog

- I have loved things Country and Western all of my life. I have loved the ranches and farms. the fields, the barns, livestock, and the food. I was born and raised in Kentucky where I learned to love and appreciate the beauty, hard work, and value of country living, Most of my family lived on farms and/or were livestock producers. I have raised various livestock and poultry over the years. I have sold livestock feed and minerals in two states. My big hats and boots are only an outward manifestation of the country life I hold dear to my heart. With the help of rhyme or short story, in recipes or photos, I make an effort in this blog to put into words my day to day observations of all things rural; the things that I see and hear, from under my hat. All poems and short stories, unless noted otherwise, are authored by me. I hope you enjoy following along.
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